It looks like we have a birthday today. And that person is very special and amazing. He is a great (nope, the best) singer, he is a warm-hearted person, he's what most (including me) would call sexy, he loves tiramisu, and his music saves lives. Who is this person I'm speaking of?
Of course I'm talking about Alvaro Soler. Who else? 😛
~ Mira, Sofia ~
Alvaro Soler is without a doubt the most amazing person out there. I'm sure it's completely impossible for one to truly explain how much they appreciate him. So many feelings, not enough words, not the right words.
Honestly - what is there to dislike about Alvi? His voice is amazing and can never be forgotten (and it doesn't matter whether he's singing or talking!), his smile is so warm, that loving gaze in his eyes every time he looks at someone or something no matter what it is, and he can be so childish and adorable but also so damn handsome and sexy at the same time - and there's so much more about him that nobody can hate.
~ Bajo el mismo sol ~
Here's the story:
During the summer of 2016, I used to have extreme suicidal thoughts. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't see any positive outcome from it. I kept silent because I felt so alone and so lost. I didn't understand myself. I don't know if I was depressed; maybe I was, or I just felt like my life had no purpose.
The only things I could do were to go onto the computer and pound out endless little fanfiction stories of my favorite franchises or people. Most of them had to do with one person hurting another person. Then the victim commits suicide or dies in some accidental way and the main character realizes what he/she did wrong. I always listened to sad songs on Spotify while I was writing those. I had chosen a random playlist which had only a few more upbeat and joyful songs in it. Most of them were songs I didn't know. After a while, the B-Case remix of Under the Same Sun came on.
I liked how the beginning sounded, so I let it continue playing. When I heard the words "bajo el mismo sol", I thought, Damn, if this is a Spanish-language song, I'm not going to become "addicted". Looks like I didn't exactly keep that "promise" to myself after all...
After a while I heard the chorus: "Los celebration / No matter where you came from / We're all under the same sun / Y bajo el mismo sol..." and I realized that I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone at all. I thought, This dude and whoever the other girl is, they're both right. We are all under the same sun. We're all in the same world. Nobody's alone. There's always someone right next door who's also under the same sun.
I found out about Sofia later. I listened to both these songs over and over for a week or so until I was dragged onto a long family road trip in which I wasn't allowed to use my phone at all. When I got back, I had already forgotten about you, which I can't believe happened.
Only a few months back in October, I heard Sofia playing in one of my classrooms, and I was like: hey, I remember this guy! And that's how I rediscovered you, Alvaro. To this day the remix of Under the Same Sun is my favorite song of yours (though I'm not exactly sure if it counts since it's a remix) because it saved my life. It stopped me from killing myself that year.
When I discovered more about you, I realized you're an amazing yet peculiar person. You can speak so many languages (6? or 7?), the more mature side of you shows most of the time but deep down inside you have the soul of a child, your amazing voice is unexplainable (or undefined!), and so much more. There's so much about you that I love and absolutely nothing that I dislike (except maybe the art I draw of you sometimes but that's on me, not you, haha).
I love you so much, Alvaro Soler, and I'll say one last thing - I don't understand how such a wonderful person like you could exist, and because of that, I'm going to label you as undefined. Welcome to undefinity, Alvaro! Again, happy birthday, or feliz cumpleaños, and I really hope this day was awesome for you, because it's your day!
~ Como un animal, animal ~
My top 10 favorite songs from Alvaro:
- Esperándote (10)
- LucÃa (9)
- Agosto (8)
and wow Agosto is number 8! get it? lol nvm - Libre (7)
- Tengo Un Sentimiento (6)
- Volar (5)
- El Mismo Sol (4)
- Animal (3)
- Sofia (2)
- Under the Same Sun - B-Case Remix (1)
But all of his music is amazing because his voice is amazing and he is an amazing - and undefined - person. And if you don't know who Alvaro Soler is or haven't listened to his music...then why haven't you?! Find Sofia or one of his songs and blast it on repeat until you're "addicted" to his voice!!
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